Spirit Professional Telecine Service

Cine Sanctuary can transfer your 16 mm, Super 16 mm and 35 mm, Super 35mm reversal, print and negative (including combined magnetic and optical sound) using a Philips Spirit (SDC2000) DataCine / telecine with Pogle Platinum colour grading system and DCP with Electric Sunroof for colour isolation.

The Spirit is a digital ccd telecine which produces excellent, artistic natural looking images, in both standard and high definition. Our professional telecine colourist will optimise the Spirit to give the best results from your film. The telecine is fitted with particle transfer cleaning rollers to keep dust and dirt to a minimum.

We are able to transfer to HDCAM, HDCAM SR and Digital Betacam in addition to portable drive.

All grading sessions are un-cliented.


For Spirit transfer prices please contact us. We will be able to assess your requirements and form an accurate quote for your project.